
♥ Great Pyramid

* = Egypt of the oldest of the seven wonders of the world, the tombs of the Pharaohs, has filled the aisles and cemeteries in one day the property of the Kings, which is priceless, and buried them even use them in the afterlife as they claim have been looted treasures been Alohermat for thousands of years and is still successive discoveries to date.

Era builders of the pyramids
Great Pyramid "of King Khufu"

* Historians called the era of the ancient name of the state "era builders of the pyramids," a reference to the huge pyramids that we see all of us, which was built in the belly of the desert at the right hand of the valley, from the province of Fayoum south to Giza in the north.

Q: But why built the pyramids and what is their purpose?

A: return idea in building the pyramids to the ancient Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul, and to believe in the Baath again and the existence of eternal life. This built the ancient Egyptians cemetery vulnerable surfaces in the body after stuffed, and provides a full range of needs of the Dead Kaladuat and pieces of furniture and all kinds of food and drink, which was used in his life, even if it came Spirit and replaced in the body, returned rights to life eternal. Spray-painted the walls of the the usual sceneries cemetery, for the intervention of pleasure for the dead.
The largest of these pyramids is the pyramid of Khufu king's son, "Bent" and his successor in office took to build this Great Pyramid twenty years and has a height of 148 meters and an area of ​​base 13 acres and the length of each side of ribs base about 230 meters, and total quantity of stones used in construction around 2,300,000 piece of stone weighing in total approximately 5500000 tonnes.
The pyramid East is "Khafre" but shorter in height of the pyramid "Cheops".
The third pyramid is "Menkaure" It was built by King Menkaure following a mummy in power after King Khafre has gained "Menkaure" good reputation unlike Khufu, Khafre, who soon became famous injustice, cruelty and tyranny as a result of the servitude of thousands of Egyptians in the ongoing work .. And to this day can not weather factors that impair the pyramids.
Albany is the pharaoh Khufu, built by an army of working people Almschran, remained twenty years digging mountains in Upper Egypt and sculpt the rocks and then transported by boat on the River Nile to Giza area where flying above the slope of the sand getting up higher construction pyramid, Vtger rocks on ramp up using pieces of wood sliding over rocks even put the rock in place. Why, son? Built to be a grave of Cheops stuffed mummy
There writer and thinker Swiss famous theories courage and ideas pioneered and that has raised a lot of the controversy in the West because of these ideas that are inconsistent with what accustomed him of opinions and theories, this author disagreed with them completely refuted their words and their arguments came answers and other explanations are different from what came before it answers and explanations easy and convincing
For the first question, it built the Great Pyramid? Is Khufu? The writer says Von Daenniken that the Great Pyramid and otherwise
The rest of the pyramids other deployed in Egypt there is no inside any inscriptions or writings hieroglyphics, is empty them completely with the rest of the pyramids abounds inside writings and inscriptions and pictures that cover the walls and ceilings, which tells and glorify builder that pyramid and its achievements and heroic. The writer says that the builder of the Great Pyramid was not known until 12/29/1835 with the exception of a few words came to San Greek historian Herodotus was not sure and did not have any evidence, we say when appointed Britain occupied Egypt at the time an English officer claims Howard Vusi in Egypt, and in order to make this same officer famous and named hesitate on everyone's lips was the claimed that he found by chance and when examined gaps in the roof compartment coffin marble in the pyramid Alcbraly one Rocks which built the pyramid inscribed with the name of Cheops, saying that the ancient Egyptians were put signs on the rocks when carved in Upper Egypt to learn their destination and where will place the latter, which means by saying that the Great Pyramid is Cheops, and surprised the existence of this writing on a rock and just one of the millions of rocks that built the pyramid with the knowledge that there is no for this king any raised refers to only a small statue does not exceed five centimeters long? Found in a place other than the Great Pyramid, and when advertising name discovery builder of the Great Pyramid, the world and cheered and rejoiced Despite the appearance of several articles in a timely manner to scientists the ancient Egyptian language question the validity of this claim, because the hieroglyphs have seen developments in style and form of symbols over experienced several centuries Pharaonic civilization, and the way of writing on the rock on which the English claims that he had found her on the roof of king coffin chamber in the Great Pyramid is completely different from writing style in the era of Cheops, which calls into question the claim and the


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