
 Part of the celebration the completion of restoration statue "Sphinx" on May 25, 1998, and display of sound and light, who presented in this celebration in Arabic, English and French - and this restoration is restoration sixth at the age of the statue, first started restoration work for "Sphinx" in the reign of King "Thutmose IV," in 1550 BC., remove the sand that had accumulated at that time around the statue.

Lies "Sphinx" Ahram in Giza area like a guard for the City of the Dead in the Giza area. The glory ancestors long ago, and considered it a form of the sun god, and erected in his name (Maat), any justice stable. The body of this giant statue simulates the lion's body, his head human head. The art in his fanciest days, because the examples and sculptors who were such huge acts wonderful ability to make the viewer does not feel fabricating this strange mix of human and animal.

It is said that the head of this statue is the head of the pharaoh "Khafre" who built the second pyramid, which this statue is located on the way. The "Sphinx" false beard long and accurate to symbolize that ancient kings had long beards, and was on the his forehead rising beard. But unfortunately fell beard and live Modaehma because they are parties. The height of this statue is 22 meters high and 46 meters long. It is said that King "Khafre" when he ordered the establishment of the road between the valley temple and funerary temple (temple rituals), encountered a large rock, and he saw that made them the huge statue.

The name of this statue in the Arabic language "Sphinx" .. Said that some people from the Canaanites who lived in Syria came to Egypt in the Pharaonic era of the modern state, and lived around the statue. And they worshiped in their country on the shape of a falcon god called "Horon," I think those that represent their God. They fired on the hole in which the Sphinx "Brahol" any house on the "lion", and this word mutated later to the word "sphinx." There are some people who think that the word "sphinx" Arab and meaning Abu horror, or alarming glory. This is very reasonable.

And I've found around some of the effects that indicate that it represents the god "Poplar clock AGT" Poplar in sight which the deceased king, who doubles "seas". The Abdul in all periods of the Pharaohs, although it has increased sanctification in the days of the modern state, and spread to the Roman era, as evidenced by what he found around him of panels showing interest in it. Most of these panels are now in the Egyptian Museum.

And took the kings of the eighteenth dynasty to which he belongs, "Tutankhamun", taken from this place to spot fishing for fame hunting animals at that time.

The naming of the pyramids Pyramids and the purpose of the construction

General view of the Pyramids of Giza.

The pyramids were considered people in the world one of the seven wonders of the world, and were impressed (and still fascinated by every day) this effect is strange immortal with time, which was built by the ancestors of the Pharaohs since more than four thousand years, circa 2600 BC.

He said some European scientists who visited Egypt in the nineteenth century, these pyramids were built for scientific purposes. And others said, it was built to be reliable module Egyptians in height and weight measurements and weight. Said astronomer Old: "The pyramids are all built on the astronomical theories. Vedha four facing the four cardinal completely - East and West, North and South!"

Some said it was built to be the hours can be measured solar seasons of the year, and the sloping ports are only watching observatories, astronomers rotation of the stars, and others said it was walls and barricades, ancient Egyptians tried to hinder (men) sand from the Nile Valley. But these are all exaggerated opinions, not unfounded. Valohram are nothing royal tombs, designed and built to be buried where the king and with him his things precious, which was with him in this life.

In languages ​​Frankish word pyramid is called "Pyramid" Pyramid, and we must remember that the Coptic language, which is still used in religious rituals of Egyptian churches is another form of the ancient Egyptian language. In this language, we find the word "B Rama" means height. They can be the word "Pyramid" Frankish derived from this word.

Another possibility that this word may derive from the word ancient Egyptian "pre - or - U.S." and meaning building slope aspects, then transfer the Greeks its image "Prames" and collected "Prameds," including taking the floor Frankish current similar to a large extent in English, French and German.

The word pyramid in Arabic means the maximum old age, meaning maximum age. The Arabs have launched this word on the construction sign on his foot. Then collected on the pyramids, and the collection combine sometimes told pyramids. The word "Sphinx" Sphinx Frankish, which calls "Sphinx", فترجع to the Greeks and Romans, when they came to Egypt in visits and colonizers, liked the form of the huge statue which represents body of a lion, and a human head, so he thus the power of the body and the perfection of mind, And remember that animal kherafy contained in myths and named "Sphinx", and it also had the body of a lion and the head of a woman with wings.

Some say that the great pyramids were built forced labor and the use of the whip, and others say it was built in the spirit of contentment and satisfaction of the artistic mood, as well as for the sanctification of the Egyptian kings and worship them after death. They say that forced labor and coercion has adopted what is the greatest of the Great Pyramid .. But they were not able to reach built to the magnificence and perfection who Emezana.

It is that we learn to look at any issue from all parties .. Vennzer to the economic situation, and to the social and political situation, as well as to the origin and nature of the doctrine that the people believe in this time, as well as the case of the arts and science ..

Ahram Plateau

Pyramids plateau (and named it Plateau area high) was the official cemetery chosen by our ancestors in the old state of the ancient capital of "Memphis" ("dead hostage"). This place was chosen (and also the "Saqqara") carefully because it is dry and very high, and thus far from the graves Nile flood waters and was nominated. The region is very dry always, so you can be kept intact bodies for a long times. The plateau is located Ahram, on the western coast of the Nile.

It was a most ancient Egyptian cities built on the eastern shore of the Nile. The cemeteries or graves, they built on the western coast, because the Egyptians believed that their lives like the sun that rises every day from the east and then sets the west, and that death is only the sunset for their lives.


And the Giza Necropolis, which stretches on the western coast of the Nile, on the edge of the Libyan desert of northern "Abu Rawash" South "Meidum" (near Beni Suef) with a length of 40 kilometers. This cemetery contains six groups of Al-Ahram, which is from the north to the south: the pyramids, "Abu Rawash", then the pyramids of Giza, then the pyramids "Abusir," and "Saqqara," and "اللشت" (near Beni Suef), and "Dahshur" (pyramid "Bent"), then there are other pyramids were built away from this plateau in the regions of "Agon" and "Hawara" Fayoum. But months of these pyramids and the greatest affair are the three pyramids of Giza.

Development in the building of tombs from the terrace to the full pyramid shape

Building the pyramid does not appear fully so at once, but rather was the result of a rise slowly in the formation of the form and method of construction cemetery .. In the first era of the old state terraces was the Tombs of the Kings, princes and wealthy. Then he saw a king of the Third Dynasty of this country - a great king named "Zoser" - to put on these terraces terraces, each one smaller than underneath. Brothers grew so pyramid known in "Saqqara," a reasonable development of the terrace to the pyramid. The word bench their meaning in language something up from the ground people sitting on it, or lying on it. In the Egyptian countryside built of bricks in front of some houses in the village to sit on. Therefore archaeologists taking this name similarity with these terraces that were originally graves.

The terrace is divided into two parts: part carved in the rock underground, and in this part there is the burial chamber, which is placed in the coffin, as well as the link road to it, and part above ground, and built with bricks on a rectangular shape, and contains several compartments.

It is important to explain the evolution that has occurred in the construction of the pyramid:

First: large terrace built of mud brick, and first appeared in "Saqqara" and "Abydos" days of the First Dynasty.

Pyramid "Zoser" b "Saqqara."

Second: overlapping rectangular terraces on top of each other, like a pyramid "Zoser" runway.

Pyramid "Meidum" Fayoum.

Third: terraces overlapped on top of each square, like a pyramid, "Bent" Bmidom northern Beni Suef Governorate at the entrance to the Fayoum (South "Saqqara"), and has two Bdhishor pyramids and one north and one south.

Fourth: filled the spaces between the terraces فاقتربت of the pyramid, as in a pyramid "Bent" Bdhishor (South pyramid).

Pyramid "Bent" North Bdhishor (smaller pyramid on the left is also the king "Bent").

Fifth: irregular shape, take the angle is fixed and does not change grades from the base to the summit pyramid "Bent" Bdhishor (northern pyramid).

Thus was the evolution of the bench to the full pyramid shape that we see in the pyramids of Giza.

See also: the Old Kingdom - the era of builders of the pyramids

Extensions pyramids

Each pyramid had complementary accessories, is not a pyramid without fully. Unfortunately, time and factors tampering and sabotage Jarret on these accessories, but its effects remain to show it .. Each of the three pyramid must have the following:

1 - two doors on the north side (Navy), one in Madamik (rows of brick or stone), bottom, and the second a little above it. Each of them is connected to the burial chamber. The front of this door small rooms for worship.

2 - in the eastern side of the pyramid was built a huge temple called the temple rituals or funerary temple. This connection with the temple last temple called the Temple of the valley, the road built of huge stones broken from the Giza area itself is called the ascending road. The width of this road sometimes 25 meters, and mediates long narrow corridor roofed. And was used for the passage of the priests who were religious decrees of the King of funerary temple to temple valley and vice versa. This road that connects the two temples too long. The total length of about half a kilometer in the second pyramid. And it was customary to carve in the middle of this road underground tunnel convenience for those who want to cross the road from one side to the other.

For Temple Valley and front of the temple to the east receives بمدخلين symbolizing Upper and Lower Egypt, and symbolize the meeting included their parents in obedience to the pharaoh and the temple square.

3 - The kits each pyramid also held a huge fence around it, so as not to approach him one of the priests. And was built this wall of stone, brick or raw milk.

4 - the most important thing to draw attention from the effects of the King "Cheops" the owner of the Great Pyramid is مراكبه which fame as "boats of the Sun", which is now displayed at the Museum of the Giza pyramids area extension.


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