Although the Pharaonic civilization prove every day over the uniqueness and Miles made Mgrdh alone outside a bevy of world civilizations at the time, but the secret of mummification remains always more mysteries Pharaohs mysterious and exciting, and among scientists who افتتنوا process of mummification and strove to fathom the researcher English sound Ataram which made it clear that this process was carried out in or near the cemetery in a series of workshops embalming and Mazlath. And begin steps mummification process to transfer the body to "Ibo," a tent where washing the body of the deceased water with a small amount of salt natron which are brought from the "Wadi Natrun" was developed body of the deceased after removing his clothes on the table embalming and shed with water mixed with salt When cleansing the body was being transferred to "Watt played", Tahir place or to "Bernfr" a beautiful house, where he works sewn .. The stitching process takes 70 days since the announcement of the death and even enter the body to the cemetery, During this period be viscera had been removed and dried and stuffed and wrapped linen and Tkuwenha.
Secrets of mummification in ancient Egypt
A new scientific study showed that the ancient Egyptians were using complex mixtures of plant and animal extracts to mummify their dead.

British researchers have conducted analyzes of thirteen samples of the materials used by the ancient Egyptians in embalming Momciawathm. The analysis showed the presence of a very large range of components, including the types of animal fats and vegetable oils, beeswax and vegetable gums.
Researchers have discovered that the embalming materials created by the Pharaohs was a mixture of cheap materials, and other precious and rare at that time such as rice, oil, and juniper, which were Isturdan from outside Egypt.
Steps embalming

And begin steps embalming also reported statement Emirati extracted brain normally through the nose by hook of bronze, and is in the skull means through nostrils and through suppression, which helps dissolve the remnants of brain outstanding, usually torn apart the brain of the magnitude of its size and the small hole ejected, or check out the brain head and because of early brain tissue, which are biodegradable and rot after death. Then shove waist from the left stone Ethiopians, and this slot is extracted intestines, liver, spleen, and kidneys Fathntan salt, then Tdmdan tapes linen, then shove the diaphragm to extract the lungs, the heart and Oeith large Vtterc place, and if been eradicated inadvertently with lungs re-embalmed and put in place again because of the importance of heart the ancient Egyptians and to investigate safety and not to leave the prospects for damage this User pivotal, was placed what is known بجعران heart written by a mantra of Book of the Dead replace the real heart, and then wash the abdominal cavity and chest wine Balah and spices, then fills abdominal various materials such as myrrh, cinnamon, and then sew the hole and address viscera then Balntron grease and perfumes, and divided viscera to be placed in four Awan know "cookware canopic" ratio for the "Canopus" which Abu Qir now in Alexandria, came this title because of the similarity of the heads of these pots with headers Idol this region .. These pots are kept bowels of the deceased and is guarded by the sons of "Horus" and all four of them can protect a viscera .. Faihmy "Imsety" and form a human head (liver), while protecting "Jobei" Representative with a monkey (lungs) and protected "born death F" and Representative jackal-headed (stomach) and finally protected "ugliness Snow said" Representative head of a falcon (intestines) and placed viscera near the body sometimes inside.
Then placed the body in natron for dried and extracted afterwards to wash with water and dried Mounchwet has washed wine Balah again, remember the process of washing this story legendary "Sunrise" of the Nile waters, and stuffed the cranial cavity resin or linen saturated resin while stuffed bores chest and abdomen Palmer and aromatics other, then rounded lips wound and covered the wound metal plank or beeswax and prove the board by pouring molten resin.

Then paint the body with oil, myrrh and stuffed mouth linen submerged in the resin and treated ear and nose sometimes in the same way nor abstracted eyes, but pushing them in Tjoifama then stuffed the cavity linen and attracts eyelids on fillers, or put other things in محجري eyes like "onion", and sometimes were placed cosmetics on the face or put a wig on the head or linking nails fingertips so as not to fall off, and dealing with the whole body molten resin to give the body rigidity and fill the pores, then coat the body Ballvaúv linen very elaborately so stick scrolls together and corpse with glue. For the scrolls were covered body shroud directly and then heal the fingers and toes rolls of fine linen and then head carefully starting from the right shoulder and chest wounds, and upper limbs and lower limbs at the end.
During the operations wrapped corpse Ballvaúv was shed resin and paint over the coffins to ensure their adherence to and during each of these operations there was a priest is reading some spells, and after completion of the mummy is placed inside packaging made of cardboard or wood, then returned to the family. Came the word " Mummy "of Persian origin of the word" mm "in the sense of" wax ".. And became a mummy in Arabic.
Pharaohs embalming methods developed over hundreds of years

Showed Analyses of samples taken from the mummies belonging to successive eras that the Pharaohs have developed embalming materials over time by adding components deadly germs to protect the mummies of decomposition.
The study was conducted by two chemists at the University of Bristol in Britain, in order to study the evolution of embalming methods over two thousand and three hundred years from the age of ancient Egyptian civilization.
The scientists monitor the evolution of embalming materials through the change in the components during that long period of time.
The researchers said the two Dr. Richard Aevrashid and Dr. Stephen Buckley vegetable oils and animal fats were essential components of embalming materials.
The scientists believe that the ancient Egyptians were mixing these oils and fats that were available and inexpensive in limited quantities of other materials scarce and expensive to prepare materials that were used in embalming the dead.
The ancient Egyptians believed in life after death. The ancient Egyptian religions say that man can not be resurrected in the Hereafter but after that the soul returns to the body.
I think the Pharaohs should be embalming the dead to protect his body from decomposition so that the spirit can find on the body of the Baath takes place.
Pharaohs have developed embalming methods for hundreds of years and discovered that it must first remove the internal organs to protect the body from decomposition, then processed salt, glues, cedar oil, honey and bitumen in order to dry them and protect them from germs.
The researchers said in a report Nscherah scientific journal Nature that the choice of the components of embalming materials was influenced by the cost factor and shouts of fashion that prevailed.
It was wealthy ancient Egyptians are keen to buy precious embalming materials to honor their dead, as some wealthy resort today to buy precious coffins and build luxury graves


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